Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Miscellanous on July 20

Starting Simple: Conversations about the Way We Live by Bob Sitze. Ironically, I read this book with a distracted mind. The author’s major point is that we might live more joyfully and justly if we lived more simply. He believes social change begins with conversation, so he explores ways in which a Christian community might begin a conversation about living more simply. I think some people in our congregation might enjoy this book.

I’m giving up on The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers. It’s just not doing much for me right now. Maybe I’ll pick it up again in another season.

I introduced a friend to the poetry of Billy Collins. This has reminded me how much I love Billy Collins!

I’m working on Running with the Horses by Eugene Peterson. The book is exploring the life and ministry of the prophet Jeremiah. So far it’s just ok.

Have I ever told you that I don’t like contemporary Christian music and why? I think all music revolves around a handful of basic themes: love, loss, death, despair, hope, etc. These themes are about life and the human condition and therefore implicitly about God and redemption. For me therefore, Christian music tends to “try too hard.” It feels a little too strident and preachy. Just give me the blues or a little soul or country; don’t worry I will recognize the human condition and God.

I feel something similar to this, when I read a ‘Christian’ book. Huckleberry Finn, for example is in no sense a "Christian" book, but it is a powerful exploration of the human condition and sin and struggle and redemption. I’m not against ‘Christian’ books; it’s just that they are often a bit too strident, too preachy. Sometimes they try too hard.

It’s been fun to have the time to explore a big pile of books, the ones I’ve enjoyed and the ones that have been just ‘ok.’



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